Greetings again...
During the Solstice event, we were assisted by several beings of light working from the "other side" to bring about a release and healing for the collective energy field shared by us all (the morphic field), including a group who identified themselves as the "Shamanic Council" guiding the Inuit people of the northern polar regions, via the shamanic elders of the communities.
The work done for participants was mirrored by the work done for the planet as a whole, and despite the range of time periods and situations where old "stuff" was cleared for participants and for the planet, it could be said that the main theme of the Solstice event was the strengthening of the following inherent qualities for both participants and for the morphic field as a whole:
The ability to:
- feel really protected
- be "easy-going"
- live in a prudent way
- feel really clean inside and outside (not tarnished by one's experiences and the experiences of previous generations)
- experience a feeling of freedom and to flow like the wind
To access all the links related to the June Solstice event, click here.
A brief synopsis of information which came up for the collective energy field of the planet is shown below, a summary of the steps which were repeated three or more times during the treatment process, and which came up for both the 208 participants as well as the collective morphic field shared by all.
For all the details, it's recommended that you look at Part 2 of the report itself, together with related info which will help to understand the report, and a glossary of some of the terms which are mentioned in Part Two.
The documents can be accessed online from the links below, at Google Docs :
A brief synopsis of Part Two of the treatment report
Part Two of the treatment report for participants
More info related to Part 2 of the report
Glossary of terms used in Part Two
The information in Part Two is very detailed for research purposes, but all the main points are highlighted and in bold text, so it is very easy to get the gist of the report by scanning down the pages and reading just what stands out.
A brief synopsis of Part Two of the Participants' ReportSpecific information about what was being shifted energetically for the collective morphic field was received for the energy fields described below. While other areas/aspects of the collective consciousness were also worked with, no information was received about those steps. Info came up about the following:
The collective consciousness of…
- All – the Earth and the energy field beyond our planet
- The Earth as a whole – included the clearing of old programming going back to the period from 1257 – 1454
- The Middle East
- Palestine – included the channelling of healing energy by Archangel Raphael
- The USA - included the clearing of old programming going back to the period from 1957 – 1963 (the Vietnam era)
- Europe - included the clearing of old programming going back to the period from 1158 – 1457
- South Africa (particularly the relationship of the collective consciousness to Xenophobia) -included the channelling of healing energy by Saint Francis of Assisi and the clearing of old programming going back to the period from 1657 – 1763
- Germany (particularly the relationship of the collective consciousness to Zionism and Israel) - included the clearing of suppressed emotions going back to the period from 1937 – 1943
The relationship between the collective consciousness and…
- War crimes - included the clearing of old programming going back to the period from 1947 – 1963
- World food shortages, rising costs of staple foods and increase in starvation - included the clearing of suppressed emotions going back to the period from 1152 – 1557
- Globalisation
Steps which came up repeatedly for participants as well as the collective morphic field, at least 3 times during the treatment process on June 20:
On a physical level:
- the physical body as a whole
- the perineum area (seat of the Base chakra)
- premenstrual tension
- the production of neurotransmitters in the brain
- the effects of stress
- old scar tissue on a physical level, as well as "old scarring" on other levels
- Solar Plexus
- Heart
- Throat
- Brow (third eye)
- 10th chakra
Subtle bodies:
- the Spiritual body
- the Ketheric (3rd causal) body
- perception - the way we perceive ourselves and the world
- the harmony between the physical and subtle bodies
- the harmony between the outer layers of the energy field (known as the causal bodies)
- healing energy was channelled in by a collective of beings of light who serve as a "Shamanic Council", the group of spirit guides assisting the Inuit people of the northern polar regions (more info in Part 2)
- steps for harmonising and stabilising the energy field
- old programming was cleared on a collective level (going back to various eras, particularly the Middle Ages and the period around the Second World War), which has been affecting most of us to some extent.
The clearing of issues, fears etc. related to certain collective areas or aspects of life included:
- perceptions of stature
- sense of protection
- relationship with what has been inherited from previous generations
- how stereotyping is dealt with relationship with doctors, hospitals and the medical profession
- ability to cope with rejection
- relationship with the healing of the planet
- perceptions about generosity
- attitudes towards fidelity or being faithful (to ourselves)
- attitudes to pregnancy
- relationship with the changing magnetic field of the planet
- perceptions about girth (unwanted weight gain)
Suppressed emotions/tendencies related to collective history, which were cleared collectively included:
- experiencing fear when we sense the presence of our own guides and guardian angels
- being preoccupied with the past
- being low in morale (or demoralised)
- being invasive in our dealings with others
- feeling as though we are regarded by others as being 'expendable'
- feeling as though one is in need of generosity from others
- lacking gentleness in our dealings with others
- feeling paralysed, unable to move
- having issues with others not knowing about (something)
- lacking humour
- regarding others as being "obsessed"
- regarding others as being "parasitic"
Positive inherent qualities being strengthened or reactivtated for the collective energy field by the clearing of "old stuff" included:
The ability to:
- feel really protected
- be "easy-going"
- live in a prudent way
- feel really clean inside and outside (not tarnished by one's experiences and the experiences of previous generations)
- experience a feeling of freedom and to flow like the wind
Related links:
>> A brief synopsis of Part Two of the treatment report
>> Part Two of the treatment report for participants
>> More info related to Part 2 of the report
>> Glossary of terms used in Part Two
>> Full list of all the links related to the June 2008 Solstice event
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