Wesak Full Moon group distant healing event
9 May 2009
- All are welcome to participate in this event -

9 May 2009
- All are welcome to participate in this event -

All beings everywhere are invited to join us for Saturday's global distant healing event, starting at 6 pm GMT/UT.
We will be linking with the Wesak Festival of the Buddha on the Taurus Full Moon of 8/9 May and the full moon sacred site attunement of the Maya Grand Council at Carnac, France, the 7th in a sequence of 52 visits in spirit to different sacred sites on the planet (more info about these profound spiritual events below).
The treatment process will be facilitated by Edna Spennato, located on the NE coast of Brazil, with Beda Diaz Langou surrogating locally in Brazil on behalf of all the participants around the world, and four other surrogates anchoring the healing energy and releasing unneeded energies on behalf of the collective consciousness in South Africa, the Middle East, the United Kingdom and the USA.

To view the exact starting time of the event in your part of the world, consult this link at the World Clock.
Participation is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, on a donation basis, or participants may choose to take advantage of annual membership to Earth Heal. For more info about becoming an annual member of Earth Heal, and being included in all our distant healing events for the year, go to this link.
For more info about this event and the experience of participating, please go to this link.
For info on how to register as a non-member participant in this event, please go to this link.
The participant's registration form can be downloaded here.
Feedback received from our recent event Extraordinary Blessings and Amazing Synchronicity event on 9 April can be read at these links:
Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates
Feedback from participants

A time to dance with divinity
Wesak is a celebrations of humanity's union with nature and with the stars. A dance with the divinity behind all manifestation: the infinite intelligence that lives in all. Humanity acknowledging its place in the tapestry of life, honoring all living beings, all participants in the cycle of life.

Many rituals are performed during Wesak. In Malaysia it is regarded as good karma to release caged animals. Doves, tortoises, frogs and birds are freed from small cages on the steps of temples, providing a good metaphor for us.
Opening the caged and limited view of ourselves, and letting that deep connection with divinity free to manifest in us is one of the best conscious actions we can perform during this period. Stepping out of a cage implies remembering how to be free.

The Wesak Festival is an opportunity to appreciate the unity in our diversity, as groups of all faiths unite all over the planet to invoke the Divine. More info at this link.
The Wesak Festival is an ancient recognition of a living spiritual event of great importance each year, which takes place while a heavenly event is unfolding at the time of the full moon of Taurus, bringing "the blessing of God Himself, transmitted through the Buddha and His Brother, the Christ."
The Wesak Festival is regarded as the supreme moment in the annual cycle, when the Buddha and the Christ come together in this sacred ritual. At the pivotal moment of the full moon in Taurus, we have the opportunity to share in this high water-mark of spiritual blessing in the world.
The Taurus Full Moon Festival is an opportunity to meditate and honor the blessings that come to all of humanity at this time. It is especially important now to appreciate the unity in our diversity, as groups of all faiths everywhere on the planet unite to invoke the Divine.
The Maya full moon attunement for Carnac, France

We are asked to join them in sending our collective love and healing to Carnac during the full moonrise in our own part of the world.
Don Hunbatz Men of the Grand Maya Council wrote in November, 2008:
"Every Full Moon we are going to make a spiritual journey to every one of the sacred sites on the list, starting our first ceremony on November 13, 2008, and continuing that way until carrying out the last ceremony on December 28, 2012, which is the actual date when our Sister and Mother Moon is going to perform the big change on the mankind’s mentality. Every Full Moon we are going to gather together in spirit at the sites of the list below so that our Sister Moon can remind us of the time when we stopped understanding her and the mankind got lost in the lunatic illusion we are living nowadays. This initiatic work will be done in 52 moon cycles and after we complete the whole cycle we will be able to remember our cosmic past again.

For more info and the full list of sacred sites and full moon dates released by Don Hunbatz Men of the Grand Maya Council, go to this link.
Info about the upcoming event on 9 May
During the treatment process, we will work with each participant individually and as part of the group. The participants will be assisting the planetary healing by anchoring the healing energy in their part of the world, and releasing disharmonic energies no longer needed, on an individual and collective level. For those who have never before experienced vibrational healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.

Feedback from participants and detailed reports about what came up during the treatment for the group as a whole, and for the collective consciousness on a planetary level, are sent out to all participants after each remote group healing event.
First-time participants should get their details and pics to us via e-mail by noon GMT/UT on 9 May, so if you are interested in taking part, please check the links ASAP for info on how to be included.
This is an opportunity to harmonise with the lunar cycle, and to utilise the powerful incoming energies available for personal and planetary healing on this special day
Related links
>> A list of all links related to the 9 May event
Updated after the event:
>> Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the 9 May event>> Starting times around the world for the 9 May event
>> Feedback from participants after the 9 May event
>> Part One of the report for participants
>> Brief Synopsis of Part One of the report
>> Glossary of terms in Part One of the report
>> More info related to Part One of the report
>> Feedback from participants after the 9 April event
>> Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the 9 April event
>> Info about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> More info about this event and the experience of participating in a group distant healing event
>> How to register as a non-member participant in this event
>> Participant's registration form (for non-members)
>> Wesak Festival of the Buddha 2009 global meditation
>> Maya Full Moon Sacred Site Attunements Leading to December 2012
>> World Healing Project link to full moon meditations
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Please forward this link to those who may be interested.
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To receive occasional news from Earth Heal, please send an e-mail to earthhealadmin[at] gmail.com with the subject line, "Subscribe".