Trovants - Stones in Romania that grow and move around
Photographer unknown
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News for an Earth in Transition
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15 June 2012
- Europe's oldest known cave paintings
been discovered to be at least 15 millenia older than originally
thought, and the work of Neanderthals who lived there before the arrival
of Homo Sapiens (our species) more than 41 000 years ago.
Similar stencils of hands in caves are found in many other parts of the world, including North America.
This may suggest that Neanderthals ‘invented’ cave painting and somehow passed the tradition on to Homo sapiens.
The idea that the artistic member of the human evolutionary family was originally Neanderthal Man rather than us, and that the Neanderthals ‘taught’ our species a love of art would certainly turn popular perceptions of Neanderthal/Homo sapiens interaction on its head.
- Europe's oldest known cave paintings
Similar stencils of hands in caves are found in many other parts of the world, including North America.
This may suggest that Neanderthals ‘invented’ cave painting and somehow passed the tradition on to Homo sapiens.
The idea that the artistic member of the human evolutionary family was originally Neanderthal Man rather than us, and that the Neanderthals ‘taught’ our species a love of art would certainly turn popular perceptions of Neanderthal/Homo sapiens interaction on its head.
15 June 2012
All beings everywhere are invited to join us for this global distant
healing event, starting at 5 pm GMT/UTC on Thursday, 21 June.
We use a cutting-edge distant healing method known as Synchronization Harmonics, and for those who have never before experienced distant healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.

We use a cutting-edge distant healing method known as Synchronization Harmonics, and for those who have never before experienced distant healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.
15 June 2012
- It is difficult to imagine that stones can really grow, but these stones seem to be alive!
In a small village named Costesti in Romania, there are some fascinating and mysterious stones, called trovants, which are believed to have a life in them.
What makes these trovants unique and mysterious is that are reproducing after coming in contact with water.
In addition, just like the famous rocks in Death Valley, California, the trovants often move from one place to another place.
In a small village named Costesti in Romania, there are some fascinating and mysterious stones, called trovants, which are believed to have a life in them.
What makes these trovants unique and mysterious is that are reproducing after coming in contact with water.
In addition, just like the famous rocks in Death Valley, California, the trovants often move from one place to another place.
14 June 2012
- "...We called him and he stood up and started to walk towards us very slowly.
"Then, as if he had become convinced it was us, he ran towards us, threw himself on to us, knocked us over, knocked George over and hugged us, like he used to, with his paws on our shoulders.
"Everyone was crying. We were crying, George was crying, even the lion was nearly crying."
"Then, as if he had become convinced it was us, he ran towards us, threw himself on to us, knocked us over, knocked George over and hugged us, like he used to, with his paws on our shoulders.
"Everyone was crying. We were crying, George was crying, even the lion was nearly crying."
Most popular articles of the past month
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Gerald Celente: American dream debunked (Access to Earth Heal Community members)
Gerald Celente: American dream debunked (Access to Earth Heal Community members)
Jun 15, 2012
Tens of thousands of people move to the US for the
abundance of opportunities and many believe if you work hard and get an
education you will achieve success. But that may not be necessarily the
case. According to a Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, the
US inequality gap is harder to overcome than ever before. Gerald
Celente, publisher for The Trends Journal, joins us with his take on the
American Dream turned nightmare.
Jun 15, 2012
Cat and Dolphin playing together. Theater of the Sea, a marine animal park in Islamorada, Florida in 1997. The dolphins are Shiloh and Thunder and the cat is Arthur.
Jun 15, 2012
Almost Free, Easy Hot Water for Showers More info at this link: Did you know you can get 500 showers worth of hot water -- from a compost pile? This one, from Inspiration Farm in Bellingham, WA was built by 3 people in 90 minutes, and that includes gathering material. They ran 100 ft poly pipe to the pile, where the heat was generated by the compost. Cold water was also run to this rustic outdoor shower. For two months in the summer, there were an average of 6 showers a day- and they never ran out. When the compost pile was done generating heat, they had finished compost to use! And plenty of happy moist mushrooms where the shower was. Win Win Win, yes that is permaculture!
Jun 14, 2012
A neat little movie with animation about the Neo Conservatives' plan for world domination.
See also the article at this link...In 2008, a clip posted on You Tube featuring an emotional reunion between a young lion and his owners became an internet sensation. Overnight people wanted to know more about what lay behind this clip. The two men in question, Anthony 'Ace' Bourke and John Rendall, have published an updated bestselling version of their account of how they came to buy Christian the lion from a London department store in the late 60s. They explain how they lived with the lion whilst working in a furniture shop down the King's Road in what was then the tail end of the swinging 60s and how they eventually came to introduce their lion into the wild under the watchful eye of lion expert, George Adamson. For the first time this TV Special, filmed in 2009, pulls together this amazing story using up to date...
Jun 14, 2012
In 1969 a young Australian, John Rendall and his friend Ace Bourke, bought a small lion cub from Harrods pet department, which was then legal. 'Christian' was kept in the basement of a furniture shop on the Kings Road in Chelsea, the heart of the swinging sixties. Loved by all, the affectionate cub ate in a local restaurant, played in a nearby graveyard, but was growing fast... A chance encounter with Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna led to a new life for Christian. He came to live in a huge enclosure and to sleep in a caravan at their Surrey home. Then in 1971 he was flown to Kenya, his ancestral home, and returned to the wild by lion-man George Adamson. Nine months later in 1972, John and Ace returned to Kora in Kenya. This clip is of their reunion at that time. It was an emotional...
Most popular videos of the past month
1. Back to Eden Gardening Method
Jun 5, 2012
BACK TO EDEN shares the story of one man's lifelong
journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple,
productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in
the garden of Eden. The organic growing system that has resulted from
Paul Gautschi's incredible experiences has garnered the interest of
visitors from around the world. However, never until now have Paul's
methods been documented and shared like this! See the full film at this
2. The Venus Transit of the Sun, 5-6 June - Carl Boudreau
Jun 4, 2012
In this video, astrologer Carl Boudreau gives a more
'mature' appraisal of the Venus transit without the New Age 'brain
candy' of a stereotypical 'uber positivity'.From Carl Boudreau: This is a
quick, no frills, special edition video about the Venus transit of the
Sun. Just me saying some stuff. It is an important event and its meaning
is a bit obscure, really. So somebody ought to take a crack at it.
Jun 7, 2012
Note from Edna: The Georgia Guidestones promulgate the reduction of the world's population from 7 billion to 500 million people. This guy discovered that there were exactly 11311 days between the time they were erected and the date that the Fukushima disaster occured on 11.3.11! Is this just a coincidence or was it planned that way? I tuned in and dowsed about it, and got that it was indeed planned that way, a sinister inside joke typical of the ruling elite, similar to the way the winning numbers in the lottery in New York on the day of the twin towers disaster were 9-1-1. This is the info he gives: The link to the time calculator: Enter March 22 1980 first, then March 11 2011. There will be 11311 days between the two.
Note from Edna: The Georgia Guidestones promulgate the reduction of the world's population from 7 billion to 500 million people. This guy discovered that there were exactly 11311 days between the time they were erected and the date that the Fukushima disaster occured on 11.3.11! Is this just a coincidence or was it planned that way? I tuned in and dowsed about it, and got that it was indeed planned that way, a sinister inside joke typical of the ruling elite, similar to the way the winning numbers in the lottery in New York on the day of the twin towers disaster were 9-1-1. This is the info he gives: The link to the time calculator: Enter March 22 1980 first, then March 11 2011. There will be 11311 days between the two.
4. One-Moment Meditation: "How to Meditate in a Moment"
May 30, 2012
Turn The Noise Off For 60 Seconds More info at this link: Most people are aware that if only
they could cultivate a meditation practice, their stress levels would go
down, their joy levels would go up, they could control anger, and get
closer to the inner essence of who they really are. But meditation seems
daunting, and many are simply put off or intimidated, or think it
requires a guru or teacher, or maybe even a cave or mountaintop. This
video is the perfect introduction to introducing meditation into your
life if you will just give it one single minute, and observe the
difference in how you feel. We live in a harried, hectic world. It is
much much better to meditate for one minute a few times a day, when
stress hits us, than to try and often...
5. Credo Mutwa and David Icke: Temples of Peace
This is a very beautiful little cameo of the great Zulu
shaman, teacher and philosopher Credo Mutwa, now in his 89th year, also
featuring an unplanned, inspiring speech by David Icke. Enjoy the
traditional singing at the end...! Unbelievably, Credo was recently
tortured, and the famous and priceless Necklace of the Mysteries was
taken from him. He is quite unbowed by his traumatic experience - as you
can see here. Bill Ryan Project Avalon Recorded 22 August 2010
Please forward this link to those who may be interested.
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To receive occasional news from Earth Heal, please send an e-mail to earthhealadmin at gmail dot com with the subject line, "Subscribe".