25 July 2008
Group distant healing event

All are welcome to participate in this global event
The Earth Heal Geoharmonic Research Project will be hosting a group distant healing event on Friday, July 25, starting at 2 pm local time in Brazil, or 5 pm GMT/UT, and continuing for about 3 hours, ending around 5 pm in Brazil and 8 pm GMT/UT.
All people and animals everywhere in the world are welcome to join us for this event, on a donation basis for those who are able to, and on a pro bono basis for those who are unable to make a donation.
To view the starting time of the event in your part of the world, please go to this link at the World Clock.
The treatment process will include around 200 participants globally, and will be facilitated by Edna Spennato in Praia do Frances on the NE coast of Brazil, with the assistance of four surrogates located on different continents, surrogating on behalf of all the participants around the world.
There is still time to join us for this event - for more info about how to register as a participant, please see these links:
More info about the 25 July 2008 event and the experience of participating in a group distant healing event
How to be included as a participant in this event
Participant's registration formList of links related to the 25 July event
Or send us an e-mail with the subject line, "More info please", and we will e-mail the relevant info to you.
Day Out of Time
July 25 is the 365th day of the year of the Thirteen Moon Calendar, an harmonic timing standard that measures the year in thirteen even months of 28 days each, a perpetual calendar of 52 perfect weeks, making a total of 364 days. The 365th day, the "Day Out of Time", is no day of the week or month at all, but truly a Day Out of Time.

For this reason, this special day is observed as the day to cancel debts, to pardon and forgive, and to celebrate life, community, love, universal forgiveness, atonement and purification, through art and culture. The day has been celebrated since 1992, and was proposed by Jose Arguelles, author of The Mayan Factor, and originator of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence World Peace Meditation, with his partner, Lloydine.
This global event is regarded as a catalytic launch-pad for the year to come. More info here.

To read about various Day Out of Time events around the world, go to this link.
Find out more about the significance of the Day out of Time.
Global Day for Festival and Community
A Culture of Peace Through A Calendar of Peace
World Day of Love and Thanks to Water
July 25, 2008 is also the day designated by Dr. Masaru Emoto as the global Day of Love and Thanks to Water. This is a day to say "I love you" and "Thank you" to all the waters of the planet and fill them with the highest possible vibration (HADO) of Love and Thanks.
Office Masaru Emoto
HADOLIFE ~ Welcome to the World of Water - Masaru's messages from Water
Conscious Water Crystals - The brilliant work of Masaru Emoto reveals the effect of prayer on water crystals.
Miraculous Messages from Water - Mr. Emoto's visual documentation of consciousness changing water molecules.
Water Ceremony
70% of our bodies and of the surface of the Earth is made of water. Dr Emoto asks people around the world to visualise the waters of the Earth bathed in a beautiful golden-silver light on July 25, to bring healing and cleansing to all the earth's waters, the oceans, and the waters in our own bodies.
By simple yet cumulative efforts, we can each do our part to significantly advance the health of the waters of this planet. Join with others around the world on 25 July to share your positive vibes with a body of water in your area - the ocean, a river, a lake, your own pond. The ceremony will work best if there are at least 3 people doing this together.
In a pond, lake, river, ocean, etc., drop in some droplets of energised water (water which has been positively charged with love, good intentions and prayer). In a circle with at least 2 other people, say to the water, with emotion:
Water, I Love you
Water, I Thank you
Water, I Respect you
and anything else that feels appropriate
--- at least 10 times ----
There is still time to register as a participant in the July 25 distant healing event. See the links below for more info.
Related links
UPDATED after the event:
Related links
UPDATED after the event:
>> Love and healing for ancient Lake Baikal, Siberia - and a short report-back after the 25 July event
>> Starting times around the world for the 25 July 2008 event
>> Info about Earth Heal and the work we do
>> More info about the 25 July 2008 event and the experience of participating in a group distant healing event
>> How to be included as a participant in this event
>> Participant's registration form
>> Letter and form for participant's guests
>> Information about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> Full list of links related to the 25 July event
>> Feedback from participants after the June Solstice event
>> Planet Earth Network
>> Background to the Day Out of Time by Jose Arguelles
>> Day Out of Time
>> The Mayan Banner of Peace
>> Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time
>> Global Day for Festival and Community
>> A Culture of Peace through a Calendar of Peace
>> Office Masaru Emoto
>> Hadolife - Welcome to the World of Water
>> Conscious Water Crystals - the power of prayer made visible
>> Miraculous Messages from Water
>> Info about Earth Heal and the work we do
>> More info about the 25 July 2008 event and the experience of participating in a group distant healing event
>> How to be included as a participant in this event
>> Participant's registration form
>> Letter and form for participant's guests
>> Information about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> Full list of links related to the 25 July event
>> Feedback from participants after the June Solstice event
>> Planet Earth Network
>> Background to the Day Out of Time by Jose Arguelles
>> Day Out of Time
>> The Mayan Banner of Peace
>> Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time
>> Global Day for Festival and Community
>> A Culture of Peace through a Calendar of Peace
>> Office Masaru Emoto
>> Hadolife - Welcome to the World of Water
>> Conscious Water Crystals - the power of prayer made visible
>> Miraculous Messages from Water