Lubaantun - Place of the Fallen Stones
Full Moon group distant healing event
Full Moon group distant healing event
21 November 2010
Linking with the 26th sacred site Full Moon attunement of the
Grand Maya Itza Council, to be focused on the Mayan sacred site at
Lubaantun, Belize
- All are welcome to participate in this event -

All beings everywhere are invited to join us for this global distant healing event, starting at 5 pm GMT/UTC on Sunday, 21 November. To check the starting time in your part of the world, go to this link at the World Clock.

The treatment process will be facilitated by Edna Spennato, located on the NE coast of Brazil, with a surrogate assisting locally in Brazil and five other surrogates anchoring the healing energy and releasing unneeded energies in South Africa, Ireland, Austria and the USA, on behalf of all the participants and the collective consciousness.
Around 200 participants around the globe will be focusing their combined consciousness with the intention of assisting the collective healing for the highest good of all during this event, which will begin at 2 pm local Brazilian time (5 pm GMT) and will continue for approximately 3 hours.
Participation is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, on a donation basis. To be included as a participant, please see the links below. Those who cannot afford a donation are included on a pro bono basis.
Or participants may choose to take advantage of annual membership to Earth Heal, and be included in all of our distant healings events for a year. For more info about how to become an annual member of Earth Heal, go to this link.
For more info about this event and the experience of participating, please go to this link.
For info on how to register as a non-member participant in the 21 November event, please go to this link.
The participant's registration form can be viewed at this link.
Feedback received from our recent Equinox event on 23 September 2010 can be read at these links:
Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the 23 September Equinox eventMore info about participating in this event at the foot of this post.
Feedback from participants after the 23 September Equinox event
The Maya Full Moon attunement for Lubaantun, Belize

This attunement is the 13th in the second of four 13-moon cycles which began on 13 November 2008.
We are asked to join them in sending our collective love and healing to Lubaantun during the full moonrise in our own part of the world.
For more info and the full list of sacred sites and full moon dates released by Don Hunbatz Men of the Grand Maya Itza Council, go to this link.
Mayan Ruins in Belize

Lubaantun - "Place of the Fallen Stones"
Lubaantun is the largest Mayan site in southern Belize, and one of the least visited of the major Mayan sites. Located in the far southern reaches of Belize, it is built on a hilltop 200 feet above sea level and surrounded on three sides by two streams which come together at the southern tip of the hill.
“Visitors who climb the steep hill to the ruins of Lubaantun will be rewarded with an enchanting sight. The dense rainforest setting with its beautiful foliage and the unusual style of stonework give this site a visual impact that none other has….”

The site is composed of eleven large structures, five main plazas, and three ball courts.
The mortarless construction method used at this site make it unlike any other known Mayan site, with rounded corners and hand-cut limestone blocks, each one carefully measured and shaped to fit snugly next to each neighbouring block, interlocking with one another like pieces of a puzzle.

The ancient Mayan name of the site is unknown. In the early 1900s Dr. Thomas Gann, an amateur archaeologist, began minor excavations at the site and named it Lubaantun, which means “Place of the Fallen Stones” in modern Mayan dialect.
Some say the reference to “fallen stones” might have come from Gann’s unfortunate habit of dynamiting the tops of pyramids and temples.
Lubaantun and the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull
The Mayan legend tells of 13 crystal

Several "perfect" crystal skulls have been found in parts of Mexico, Central and South America, and their construction defies common logic.
The most famous one is the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, which is considered unique in its extraordinary craftmanship. It was allegedly discovered in 1927 in Lubaantun by the British adventurer, Frederick Mitchell-Hedges, who accompanied Gann on an expedition to the site, together with his adopted daughter, Anna.

The true origin of the crystal skull remains a mystery to this day, but whether it originated in Lubaantun or not, the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull is regarded as one of the most amazing artifacts ever to have been discovered.

The Atlantean connection
There is a very interesting interview with Bill at this link. The story he tells of what occurred when it was brought into proximity with the Crystal Orb (recovered from a cavity in an undersea pyramid near the Bahamas in 1970) is intriguing.
Click here for an account of the discovery of the Crystal Orb.
Click here for a transcript of the video. Extract below:
...when we brought the Orb and Skull together for the first time... the Skull turned white and the Orb turned gold….Like the crystal skull, the crystal sphere bears testimony to a most sophisticated technology, for as experts at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington noted, the technology for cutting quartz stone to the perfection exhibited in the crystal sphere had not been accomplished by our civilization until after 1900.
I was able to get together with them again and when we did it this time, the Skull turned blue and the... It was blue light going all over the ground.
And the next day we’re in this room that had yellow table cloths and yellow walls. And you’re looking at this through the viewfinder on the camera and it was yellow walls and yellow table cloths. And when you took the picture, the Skull turned blue, the table cloths turned blue and the walls turned blue. And we took about 15 pictures and every time it did the same thing….
So, some pretty strong energy that’s involved. When an Atlantean Orb and Atlantean Skull get together it’s a major... I think there was a connection, an old connection.

It was said that strange dreams about an ancient Indian civilization haunted Anna each time she slept with the skull near her bed.
After the death of her father at the beginning of the 1960s, Anna loaned the skull to scientists for extensive study, and they discovered that the skull, together with the lower jaw, had been cut from one unusually large piece of quartz crystal of a perfect quality not found in that area, with a hardness only slightly less than that of diamond, and that it could only have been cut by diamonds.
The research by Hewlett-Packard in a special laboratory in 1964 revealed that the skull had been made long before the first known civilizations had appeared in that part of America. No microscopic scratches were found on the crystal, that woould have indicated that it had been sculpted with metal instruments, and their best hypothesis for the skull's construction was that it was roughly hewn out with diamonds, and then the detailed work was meticulously done with a gentle solution of silicon sand and water. Assuming it could possibly have been done in this way, the exhausting job would have required man-hours adding up to 300 years to complete.
One of the most surprising discoveries the scientists made was that the Mitchell-Hedges skull was made from ‘piezo-electric’ silicon dioxide quartz, "the exact type used in modern electronics and the original crystal in the first crystal radios owned by our grandmothers.
Piezo-electric quartz was discovered by Pierre and Jacques Curie in the late 1800s and comes from the Greek word meaning ‘to squeeze’, and electrose, meaning ‘to get a charge from’. This shows the skull actually has a positive and negative polarity, just like a battery. It also means that if pressure is applied, it is capable of generating electricity..."
The scientists discovered several other anomalies that deepened the mystery of the skull, and experts concluded that successfully crafting a shape as complex as the Mitchell-Hedges skull was impossible; as one HP researcher is said to have remarked, "The damned thing simply shouldn't be."
When looking at the sum total of skill and knowledge incorporated in the Mitchell-Hedges skull, modern science is stumped as to how to explain it. Author Garvin summarized the findings in these words, "It is virtually impossible today, in the time when men have climbed mountains on the moon, to duplicate this achievement."
Crystallinks provides a more detailed discussion of the unusual phenomena around the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull at this link.
The Maya and the legend and prophecy of the 13 Crystal Skulls
The theme of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls legend is that "at a pivotal time in humanity's history, the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era - transforming from an old paradigm into a new world."

The first skull is said to have been made by the Atlanteans prior to the previous shift. Since then another 12 have allegedly been made by the Maya, who are descendants of post-shift Atlantean priests and peoples.
Although a single crystal skull ceremony has been performed once in every thousand years, the next crystal skull ceremony will be the Thirteen Crystal Skulls Ceremony, to be performed for the first time in 13, 000 years.
Drunvalo says that the Mayans are originally from Atlantis and the Hopi Indians were originally Maya. Some 13,000 years ago, a group of Maya were sent on for a purpose, and this group became the Hopi tribe.
Have a look at the in-depth discussion in Parts 8 and 9 of The Maya of Eternal Time 2012 and Beyond: Drunvalo Melchizedek Webcast (in 14 parts, each of which is about 10 minutes).

The skulls also contain images of the ages which have passed since their creation. Psychics are able to see past civilizations and events in the skulls, for example the destruction of Atlantis, and the struggle between good and evil forces to take the crystal skulls into their possession.
Patricio Dominguez, the Pueblo Spiritual Advisor quoted in "The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls" by Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas, describes the crystal skulls as “complete depositories of knowledge” and says that each skull “contains a particular specialist area of information - like a living library (each skull is like one volume in a set of encyclopedias). And the people who will in the future be able to “'read”' the crystal skulls will only be able to extract all the knowledge from the skulls once they are all assembled together... Of course, the knowledge that is going to come out from the skulls is quite unimaginable to our current minds. But that it is definitely going to come out at a certain time is already foregone. It has been prophesied. But whether we humans then use that knowledge for good or for our own destruction is really down to our preparations."

More info about the event on 21 November
During the treatment process, we will work with each participant individually and also as part of the group. The participants will be assisting the planetary healing by anchoring the healing energy in their part of the world, and releasing disharmonic energies no longer needed, on an individual and collective level. For those who have never before experienced vibrational healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.

Feedback from participants and detailed reports about what came up during the treatment for the group as a whole, and for the collective consciousness on a planetary level, are sent out to all participants after each remote group healing event.
First-time participants should send an e-mail to us at earthheal at gmail dot com by midnight GMT/UT on Saturday 20 November.
This is an opportunity to harmonise with the lunar cycle and the Mayan calendar, and to utilise the powerful incoming energies available for personal and planetary healing on this special day
Related links
>> Full list of all links related to this event
>> More info about this event and the experience of participating
>> Starting times around the world for this event
>> Info about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> How to register as a participant
>> Participant's registration form
>> Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the 23 September Equinox event
>> Feedback from participants after the 23 September Equinox event
>> Maya Full Moon Sacred Site Attunements Leading up to 28 December 2012
>> Lubaantun - Place of the Fallen Stones
>> The 13 Crystal Skulls
>> Crystallinks - Crystal Skulls
>> The 13 Crystal Skulls - Legend and Prophecy
>> The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull website
>> Journeys with the Crystal Skull - Interview with Bill Homann
>> Bill Homann interview transcript
>> An account of the discovery of the Crystal Orb
>> Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull on YouTube
>> Mayan Elders Break Silence
>> The truth about 2012 - Drunvalo Melchizedek interview about the Thirteen Crystal Skulls ceremony
>> The Maya of Eternal Time: 2012 and Beyond - Drunvalo Melchizedek Webcast – Parts 1-14
>> The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls - book review
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To receive occasional news from Earth Heal, please send an e-mail to earthhealadmin at gmail dot com with the subject line, "Subscribe".