Mohan arrived at his forever home during our Equinox event on 22 September! More about his journey below....
By Edna Spennato
The treatment process was facilitated by Edna Spennato in Bahia, Brazil. The healing energy was anchored with the help of five human surrogates in four countries: one in South Africa, one in Argentina, one in the UK and two in the USA.
Upcoming special distant healing event for Mohan the elephant - 30 October 2016
You are invited to join us with your prayers for the well-being of Mohan on 30 October, when we will be facilitating a special distant healing event for him and some of the other rescued animals at S.O.S. Wildlife India. There is no charge for participation on this healing event. More info to be posted here in the next few days.
Feedback from the facilitators and surrogates
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
For more than a year, we have been including Mohan the elephant in our events and in private treatments in between as well. Up until he he was a very sad and abused elephant after decades of suffering and being chained up alone, beaten and starved. The S.O.S Wildlife org has been trying to rescue him for 3 years, but the people who had him were extremely violent and threatened them, and the legal system in India also seemed to have been working FOR the bad guys (a bribe for sure) but finally ,finally - they managed to get him out of there. Oh, happy days, and what a wonderful start to our equinox. Tomorrow we will be focusing on many other situations involving our animal brethren, including of course the current mass slaughter of dolphins in Japan.
But THIS news has really touched me. Bless the people at S.O.S. and all those who signed the petition, and all of you who sent out prayers for his release!!
Lots of love
Petition update
Your Signature Helped Free Mohan!
Wildlife SOS
21 Sep 2016 — UPDATE — September 21, 2016
Success! Thank you so much for signing this petition and being Mohan's voice. You came together with people from all over the world to free this elephant, and today, your dedication and determination paid off;
Mohan is on the Wildlife SOS Animal Ambulance (pictured below with our tired-but-happy rescue team) will live the rest of his life as a free elephant.
The unluckiest elephant in the world? Not Mohan. Not anymore. But this isn’t just a win for Mohan—it’s a victory for elephants around the world. Mohan can now be seen as a model of hope for them, and a reminder that as long as we work together, we can Save India’s Elephants.
On behalf of Mohan and from all of us at Wildlife SOS, thank you!
PS: We will be posting photos regularly of Mohan’s journey home as well as his adjustment to a life of freedom and peace on our Facebook page, here:
Edna , facilitator, Bahia, Brazil
Friday, 23 September 2016
Thanks so much for being part of the event. It's wonderful to have your energy with us and with all of you tuning in, it makes it possible to work at a much deeper level in terms of the steps that come up on a planetary level during the treatment process.
Well, the treatment began at 5 pm GMT as planned, which was 2 pm here in Brazil, and continued for 5 and about 40 minutes, all in all i.e. till about 10:40 GMT/Universal Time, and 7.40 pm here in Brazil.
Within a minute of the start of the event, just as I was playing the didgeridoo, and after four days of heat and humidity building up to a big rainfall in the valley, the pressure cooker in the heavens above finally broke, and there was a gentle but steady rainfall outside for the entire duration of the event, that made the inside of the house so cool and refreshing after the intense heat of the past few days. It was wonderful! I was very hungry and sleepy afterwards and had a good meal and an early night, and today I have been doing things very s-l-o-w-l-y, drinking a lot of water and yawning a lot... Spent some time outside when the drizzle stopped for a while, with all the animals - our two dogs and four cats, and the family of marmoset monkeys who visit every day. I might have a little nap later, as it's still drizzling here and the temperature is perfect!
There were many really interesting steps, including several steps for the two elephants that were included as participants, Mohan, who was recently rescued, and Raju, who was rescued almost two years ago, and cried tears of relief during his rescue. The two had known one another when they were first kidnapped from their families in the forest and taken into captivity, but had been separated after that. However they will be meeting up again soon, after more than 45 years apart. The steps that came up were for both of them, and included periods of trauma, scarring and old programming going back to different periods of their lives. I'll be writing a summary of all the steps from the treatment process soon, and sending it to you.
After the treatment was finished another mail arrived from the Wildlife S.O.S. India, announcing that Mohan has been taken to his forever home after a long journey, to the animal refuge run by Wildlife S.O.S. in Mathar, where Raju lives as well, so the two childhood friends will be reunited soon! However, Mohan is really not well, is emaciated and wounded, as well as badly infected with roundworm, so it's important for him to be kept separate from the other elephants till he's free of any infectious diseases or parasites and has been fully cleared by a veterinarian. But the two will be seeing one another again in a few days' time.
Have a look at the article about his homecoming just posted at the site:
23 September 2016
- We’re thrilled to inform you all that Mohan, chained and abused for
the past 50 years of his life, has finally been rescued by Wildlife SOS
and has arrived at his forever home, the Elephant Conservation and Care
Center in Mathura.
In perhaps the longest ever rescue operation lasting over 20 hours at the Pratapgarh district, members of the forest department, an NGO Widllife SOS and the Uttar Pradesh police managed to free the elephant from his mahout - ironically named "Ghulam" or slave.
It took 50 police officers to control the crowd - among them those who tried their best to stop the rescue - and help forest officials to finally free the elephant. The police have also arrested the mahout. He faces up to seven years in jail...
Read more...In perhaps the longest ever rescue operation lasting over 20 hours at the Pratapgarh district, members of the forest department, an NGO Widllife SOS and the Uttar Pradesh police managed to free the elephant from his mahout - ironically named "Ghulam" or slave.
It took 50 police officers to control the crowd - among them those who tried their best to stop the rescue - and help forest officials to finally free the elephant. The police have also arrested the mahout. He faces up to seven years in jail...
There are also two short video clips posted:
Edna, facilitator, Bahia, Brazil
I walked down to the river walk for the start and got myself grounded and put my stuff out there, especially for water itself, the poisoning of the planet, the recent killing of all the bees here in the states, marine life, all life that is suffering. And I walked. Something said keep walking and I walked down the length of the water that I could then I walked the streets. By the time I got back, I had walked for little more than an hour. Felt somewhat less of a heavy heart after that. Maybe I was doing some releasing with all the walking. Felt really alert, bright eyed.
Went to bed early and had uncomfortable dreams but feel pretty good today.
T., surrogate, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Friday, 23 September 2016
Yesterday just before session I fell asleep, and went into a very deep sleep for about 3 hours. Don't think much would have disturbed me ... Absolutely unconscious !!! Woke up feeling ok, very thirsty.
I have had bad flu for a few days now.... Today I feel that has also "lifted" . Was coughing badly etc. Today nearly no coughing !!!
C. (Trudy's daughter, who was also included in the event) just naturally went into a very deep space and "zoned " out ...
T., surrogate, Magaliesberg, South Africa
Saturday, 24 September 2016
I hope you are all feeling well after our event...
I continued feeling rather sleepy but peaceful all day and through the evening, and drinking a lot of water! R., my son, also reported feeling drowsy this afternoon, and was almost falling asleep over his dinner.
It's interesting how the treatments vary in their effects on each of us... This time I also noticed a marked increase in my appetite right after the event ended, and throughout today, which does happen from time to time, but seldom to this extent...!
Edna, facilitator, Bahia, Brazil
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Tuned in and grounded myself...
Was very thirsty throughout your actual physical healing work, and for two days afterwards - drinking lots of water still.
Sharp little twinges all down my left abdomen, and a light-headed feeling which has lasted beyond the actual treatment. In need of even more grounding than mere bare feet on earth. Must get to a crystal grounding meditation in the next day.
A deep need to be reminded to be grateful and appreciative came through quite strongly. We need to learn kindness again, and weave it in daily.
Thank you Edna and surrogates for the wonderful opportunity to share the work.
K., surrogate, London, UK
Feedback from the participants
Saturday, 24 September 2016
...This is very interesting . I keep sleeping ;) ...
Portland, Oregon, USA
B. is better (an ill cat, who was also included as a participant).
The Equinox healing was very beautiful and deep.
Lancaster, UK
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Thank you for sending me the pre-session information and also the feedback.
I was unable to participate consciously this time. There seems to have been so much shifting and challenging going on recently that I felt I could not cope with any intensification of that.
I feel that there was still a deep connection going on, however. I was due to run a meditation course on Friday and Saturday but participants suddenly cancelled, so I was free to go to a meeting/discussion that had attracted me for some time.
The topic was somewhat controversial in this conventional country: 'Zen and Love'. It brought up many issues that I'd avoided dealing with and proved quite liberating. The process could have connected with some of the time frames you mentioned in your feedback.
Wishing you, the surrogates and all who participated in the healing 'Good health, Wealth and Happiness'.
South-East Asia
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Hi! Wow is a complete understatement for this last treatment.
... I was asleep for the first couple hours. Woke up and ate so much food, it was amazing. Now THAT is very unusual for me! As I was eating and reading a book, I saw just above my book someone move to my right. Very interesting!
Come bedtime and I listened to this Quantum K healing experience. It's really good. So I am laying there listening to the music and I noticed it felt like my energy was being pulled off of me to my right and a bit behind me. So I asked what that was. I heard a " hummm" and then felt energy moving and that particular energy drain stopped!
...Today I haven't done anything but rest and eat and listen to music. I thought I had gotten flattened, but looking back I did quite well, given everything going on....
Bremerton, WA, USA
Sunday, 25 September 2016
My reactions to the treatment were kinda reduced from the previous one,
maybe because they were so close together.
The first one knocked off some 'rust'
and this one I think acted like a fine tuning adjustment...
The biggest reaction I noticed was being tired
and feeling the need for more sleep than usual.
Forestville, CA, USA
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Tuned in and grounded myself...
Was very thirsty throughout your actual physical healing work, and for two days afterwards - drinking lots of water still.
Sharp little twinges all down my left abdomen, and a light-headed feeling which has lasted beyond the actual treatment. In need of even more grounding than mere bare feet on earth. Must get to a crystal grounding meditation in the next day.
A deep need to be reminded to be grateful and appreciative came through quite strongly. We need to learn kindness again, and weave it in daily.
Thank you Edna and surrogates for the wonderful opportunity to share the work.
K., surrogate, London, UK
Saturday, 24 September 2016
...This is very interesting . I keep sleeping ;) ...
Portland, Oregon, USA
B. is better (an ill cat, who was also included as a participant).
The Equinox healing was very beautiful and deep.
Lancaster, UK
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Thank you for sending me the pre-session information and also the feedback.
I was unable to participate consciously this time. There seems to have been so much shifting and challenging going on recently that I felt I could not cope with any intensification of that.
I feel that there was still a deep connection going on, however. I was due to run a meditation course on Friday and Saturday but participants suddenly cancelled, so I was free to go to a meeting/discussion that had attracted me for some time.
The topic was somewhat controversial in this conventional country: 'Zen and Love'. It brought up many issues that I'd avoided dealing with and proved quite liberating. The process could have connected with some of the time frames you mentioned in your feedback.
Wishing you, the surrogates and all who participated in the healing 'Good health, Wealth and Happiness'.
South-East Asia
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Hi! Wow is a complete understatement for this last treatment.
... I was asleep for the first couple hours. Woke up and ate so much food, it was amazing. Now THAT is very unusual for me! As I was eating and reading a book, I saw just above my book someone move to my right. Very interesting!
Come bedtime and I listened to this Quantum K healing experience. It's really good. So I am laying there listening to the music and I noticed it felt like my energy was being pulled off of me to my right and a bit behind me. So I asked what that was. I heard a " hummm" and then felt energy moving and that particular energy drain stopped!
...Today I haven't done anything but rest and eat and listen to music. I thought I had gotten flattened, but looking back I did quite well, given everything going on....
Bremerton, WA, USA
Sunday, 25 September 2016
My reactions to the treatment were kinda reduced from the previous one,
maybe because they were so close together.
The first one knocked off some 'rust'
and this one I think acted like a fine tuning adjustment...
The biggest reaction I noticed was being tired
and feeling the need for more sleep than usual.
Forestville, CA, USA