Solstice group distant healing event
21 June 2012
Winter Solstice in the South
Summer Solstice in the North
-All are welcome to participate in this event -
The Earth Heal Geoharmonic Research Project will be hosting a group distant healing event on the Solstice, Thursday 21 June 2012, starting at 5 pm GMT/Universal Time and continuing for about 3 hours, ending around 8 pm GMT/Universal Time. To check the starting time in your part of the world, please go to this link.
The actual moment of Solstice is at 23:09 GMT/UTC (or 11.09 pm GMT/UTC) on 20 June 2012.

The treatment will include more than 200 participants globally, and will be facilitated in the Chapada Diamantina region of interior Bahia, Brazil by Edna Spennato, working under guidance from the collective Higher Self of the group.
Eight surrogates, in Brazil, South Africa, Ireland, the USA, and Austria, will anchor incoming healing energy during the treatment process and release the energies that are "no longer needed" on behalf of the participants and the planetary morphic field as a whole.

We use a cutting-edge distant healing method known as Synchronization Harmonics, and for those who have never before experienced distant healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.
After each healing event, feedback and detailed reports about what came up during the treatment process for the group, as well as for the collective consciousness on a planetary level, are mailed to participants.
First-time participants should e-mail us their details and pics as soon as possible, and no later than midnight GMT/UT on Wednesday, 20 June.
This is an opportunity to harmonise our rhythms with the solar cycle and to utilise the powerful incoming energies available for personal and planetary healing on this special day. The June Solstice occurs at 23:09 (or 11.09 pm) GMT/UT on 20 June, 2012. For more info, go to this link.
The June Solstice occurs when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator – it reaches its northernmost point and the earth’s North Pole tilts directly towards the sun, at about 23.5 degrees. It is also known as the northern solstice because it occurs when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere.
The June Solstice marks the middle of the summer season in the northern hemisphere. The word solstice is from the Latin word “solstitium”, meaning “sun-stopping”, because the point at which the sun appears to rise and set stops and reverses direction after this day.
In the southern hemisphere, the June Solstice is known as the shortest day of the year. It is when the sun has reached its furthest point from the equator and marks the middle of winter.
Those living or traveling to the north of the Arctic Circle are able to see the "midnight sun", where the sun remains visible throughout the night, while those living or traveling to the southern Antarctic Circle will not see the sun at all during this time of the year.
The June solstice has influenced the lives of many people over the centuries, particularly through art, literature, mythology and religion. For more info about June Solstice traditions and customs, go to this link.
Ancient architecture aligned to the Solstice
Ancient traditions regarded the Solstice as a powerful time to initiate changes and shift into a new reality, and and the ancient people of the earth built their tombs, temples, cairns and sacred observatories so that they aligned with the Solstices and Equinoxes.
Many people are aware of Stonehenge being a perfect marker of both solstices.
The June Solstice and ancient traditions
From Timeanddate: "In ancient China, the summer solstice was observed by a ceremony to celebrate the earth, femininity, and the “yin” forces. It complemented the winter solstice that celebrated the heavens, masculinity and “yang” forces. According to Chinese tradition, the shortest shadow is found on the day of summer solstice.
In many countries in Europe, Midsummer festivals or celebrations were held around the time of the June solstice. In ancient Gaul, the Midsummer celebration was called Feast of Epona, named after a mare goddess who personified fertility and protected horses.
In ancient Germanic, Slav and Celtic tribes, many pagans celebrated Midsummer with bonfires. After Christianity spread in Europe and other parts of the world, many pagan customs were incorporated into the Christian religion. In many parts of Scandinavia, the Midsummer celebration continued but was observed around the time of St John’s Day, on June 24, to honor St John the Baptist instead of the pagan gods.
In North America, many Native American tribes held ritual dances to honor the sun. The Sioux were known to hold one of the most spectacular rituals. Usually performed during the June solstice, preparations for the dance included cutting and raising a tree that would be considered a visible connection between the heavens and earth, and setting up teepees in a circle to represent the cosmos. Participants abstained from food and drink during the dance itself. Their bodies were decorated in the symbolic colors of red (sunset), blue (sky), yellow (lightning), white (light), and black (night)."
It's crop circle season again!
Over the past few weeks the circle makers have been
creating some amazing crop circles in the Wiltshire area of the UK. The one below appeared on Woodborough Hill, Alton Barnes in Wiltshire on 9 June:
This new, tiny, beautiful formation appeared on 12 June near Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire:
This one below appeared the next day, 13 June, also in the Silbury Hill area near Avebury, Wiltshire.
This one below was first reported on 2 June, at Manton Drove, near Marlborough, Wiltshire:
For an ongoing, regularly updated record of all of the 2012 crop circles, go to this link at the Crop Circle Connector.
Related links
>> Starting times around the world for the 21 June 2012 Solstice event
>> List of all links related to this event
>> More info about the event, and the experience of participating in a distant healing event
>> More info about how to be included as a participant in this event
>> Participant's registration form (for non-members of Earth Heal)
>> How to include guests in this event
>> Information about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> June Solstice traditions and customs
>> Crop circles of 2012 - Crop Circle Connector
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To subscribe to our mailing list for occasional news from Earth Heal, please send an e-mail with the subject line, "Subscribe" to earthhealadmin at gmail dot com