Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Join us for the Equinox group distant healing event on Thursday, 22 September 2016!

Equinox group distant healing event

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Autumn Equinox in the North
  Spring Equinox in the South

-All are welcome to participate in this event -

The Earth Heal Geoharmonic Research Project will be hosting a group distant healing event for participants around the world on Equinox, Thursday, 22 September.

Our event will begin at 17:00 or 5 pm GMT/Universal Time and continue for about 4 hours, ending around 9 pm GMT/Universal Time. To check the starting time of this event in your part of the world, please go to this link.

All people and animals everywhere in the world are welcome to join us as once-off participants on an exchange basis of your choice or by opting for annual membership to Earth Heal, and being included in all our distant healing events for the coming year.

Those in truly disadvantaged circumstances can ask to be included on a pro bono basis. If this applies to you, and you would like to be a participant in this treatment and receive healing on a personal level as well as being part of the group holding the energy for the planet, please feel free to contact us at earthhealadmin [at] gmail [dot] com, with the subject line, "Pro-bono participant - September Equinox event".

The treatment will include more than 200 participants globally, and will be facilitated in Bahia, Brazil by Edna Spennato, working under guidance from the collective Higher Self of the group.

Five human surrogates in Brazil, Argentina, the UK, the USA and South Africa will anchor incoming healing energy during the treatment process and release the energies that are "no longer needed" on behalf of the participants and the planetary morphic field as a whole.

For more info about this event and the experience of participating, please go to this link.

For info on how to register as a non-member participant in the Equinox event, please go to this link.

For info about annual membership to Earth Heal, please go to this link.

For info on how to include human guests in the Equinox event, please go to this link.

For info on how to include animal guests in the Equinox event, please go to this link.

The participant's registration form can be viewed at this link.

Please scan down for links to  participant feedback from our most recent events.

More about Equinox

This is an opportunity to harmonise our rhythms with the solar cycle and to utilise the powerful incoming energies available for personal and planetary healing on this special day.

The September equinox will arrive on September 22, 2016 at 1421 UTC. Although the equinox happens at the same moment worldwide, your clock times will depend on your time zone. For time zones in the continental U.S., this equinox comes at 10:21 a.m. EDT, 9:21 a.m. CDT, 8:21 a.m. MDT or 7:21 a.m. PDT. Translate to your time zone. At the equinox, days and nights are approximately equal in length. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is rising later now, and nightfall comes sooner. We’re enjoying the cooler days of autumn. Meanwhile, south of the equator, spring is about to begin. More info at this link.

What is an equinox? The earliest humans spent more time outside than we do. They used the sky as both a clock and a calendar. They could easily see that the sun’s path across the sky, the length of daylight, and the location of the sunrise and sunset all shift in a regular way throughout the year.Our ancestors built the first observatories to track the sun’s progress. One example is at Machu Picchu in Peru, where the Intihuatana stone, shown above, has been shown to be a precise indicator of the date of the two equinoxes and other significant celestial periods. The word Intihuatana, by the way, literally means for tying the sun.

Today, we know each equinox and solstice is an astronomical event, caused by Earth’s tilt on its axis and ceaseless orbit around the sun.

Because Earth doesn’t orbit upright, but is instead tilted on its axis by 23-and-a-half degrees, Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres trade places throughout the year in receiving the sun’s light and warmth most directly.

We have an equinox twice a year – spring and fall – when the tilt of the Earth’s axis and Earth’s orbit around the sun combine in such a way that the axis is inclined neither away from nor toward the sun.

The earliest humans spent more time outside than we do. They used the sky as both clock and calendar. They could easily see that the sun’s path across the sky, the length of daylight, and the location of the sunrise and sunset all shift in a regular way throughout the year. More info here.

The Intihuatana stone – also called the Hitching Post of the Sun – at Machu Picchu in Peru. It was used to track the sun throughout the year. Photo via Imagesofanthropology.com

General info about the upcoming Equinox event

During the treatment process, each participant will receive healing on an healing on an individual level and as being part of the work done for the group of participants as a whole, and will also be anchoring the planetary healing energies in their part of the world, releasing disharmonic energy and receiving healing energy on a collective level.

We use a cutting-edge distant healing method known as Synchronization Harmonics, and for those who have never before experienced distant healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.

After each healing event, feedback and detailed reports about what came up during the treatment process for the group, as well as for the collective consciousness on a planetary level, are mailed to participants.

First-time participants should send their details and pics to us at earthhealadmin [at] gmail as soon as possible, and no later than 4 pm GMT/UTC on Thursday, 22 September, an hour before the start of the event.

Related links

>> List of all links related to this event

>> Starting times around the world for the Equinox event

>> More info about the event and the experience of participating

>> Feedback from participants in the 22 February 2016 animal healing event

>> Feedback from participants after the 20 March 2016 Equinox event

>> Feedback from participants after the 20 June 2016 Solstice event

>> Feedback from participants in the 27 August event on the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction 

>> How to be included as a participant in the event

>> Participant's registration form

>> Exchange details for participants

>> How to include human guests in this event 

>> How to include animal guests in this event 

>> Information about annual membership to Earth Heal

>> Everything You Need To Know About the September Equinox
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Please forward this link to those who may be interested.

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