"Everything is perfect!! Love everyone. Hate no-one.
God bless everyone."
José Argüelles aka Valum Votan
24.1.1939 - 23.3.2011
25 July 2011
God bless everyone."
José Argüelles aka Valum Votan
24.1.1939 - 23.3.2011
25 July 2011
Group distant healing event
Linking with the World Peace Ceremony in Fukushima, Japan, focused on healing the waters of our planet
All beings everywhere are invited to join us for this global distant healing event, starting at 5 pm GMT/UT on Monday, 25 July, the Mayan Day Out Of Time, and the eve of the Mayan New Year which begins on 26 July with the rising of Sirius at dawn. To check the starting time of the event in various parts of the world, please go to this link at the World Clock.
This year's DOOT events happening around the world will honor the late José Argüelles aka Valum Votan, the originator of the Day Out of Time, who left his body on 23 March 2011, the First Day of the Ninth wave, according to Carl Calleman's calendar.
José Argüelles was the visionary who introduced us to the concept of Harmonic Convergence with his book, The Mayan Factor, and the creator of the 13-Moon Calendar and Dreamspell, to name just a few of his many creative projects. See below for more info about Dr. Argüelles and the Day Out of Time.

More info about the group distant healing event
The treatment process will be facilitated by Edna Spennato, located on the NE coast of Brazil, with a surrogate assisting locally in Brazil and seven other surrogates anchoring the healing energy and releasing unneeded energies in South Africa, Ireland, Austria and the USA, on behalf of all the participants and the collective consciousness.
Around 200 participants around the globe will be focusing their combined consciousness during this event, with the intention of assisting the collective healing for the highest good of all, and the treatment process will begin at 2 pm local Brazilian time (5 pm GMT) and will continue for approximately 3 hours.
Participation is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, on a donation basis. To be included as a participant, please send your participation registration form to earthhealadmin at gmail dot com before midnight GMT/UT on Sunday, 24 July. All the links related to being part of this event can be accessed through this link.
Or participants may choose to take advantage of annual membership to Earth Heal, and be included in all of our distant healings events for a year. For more info about how to become an annual member of Earth Heal, go to this link.
Those who are unable to make a donation are included on a pro bono basis.
For more info about this event and the experience of participating, please go to this link.
For info on how to register as a non-member participant in the 25 July 2011 event, please go to this link.
The participant's registration form can be viewed at this link.
Feedback received from participants in our Equinox event on 20 March 2011 can be read at this link:
Feedback from participants after the 20 March 2011 Equinox eventThe World Peace Ceremony for water
We will also be linking with Dr Masaru Emoto's World Peace Ceremony, in Iwaki City, Fukushima, where prayers will be offered at sunrise on 25 July for the waters at Fukushima, Japan, and for all the water of our planet, from 4 - 6 am Japan time, which is 7 - 9 am GMT/UT. The prayer ceremony will be streamed live on the internet at this link.
Some extracts from Dr. Emoto's event notice below, which can be read in full at this link:
Let’s do our best, FUKUSHIMA! World Peace Prayer Ceremony in Fukushima
This year, on July 25th, Dr. Emoto will hold the water ceremony to offer love and gratitude to water in Fukushima, Japan since it received a severe blow from the nuclear accident. He will pray for the peace on the planet Earth with people around the world, collecting people’s powerful consciousness. We would like you to please announce this event, and participate in this meaningful prayer ceremony at your own place.
Date: July 25th, 2011
Time: 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM (Japan Time)
The place: Iwaki Misaki Park, Iwaki City, Fukushima, Japan
This event will be shown worldwide on Ustream as soon as the ceremony is finished at around 6:00 AM Japan Time on the 25th of July....It will make it easy for great number of people around the world to join this prayer for world peace through internet. We hope one million people will be putting their hearts together simultaneously....
The event includes:
- Agnithotra fire ceremony conducted by Mr. Reiner. This ceremony has been offered for over 20 years in order to reduce the effect of radiation at Chernobyl.
- Japanese Taiko Drum Performance by Kei Nishino.
- Accessing free energy of the universe by intoning 528 Hz sound
- Silent Prayer for disaster victim’s peace in heaven
- Dr. Jose Arguelles’ peace in heaven... Jose Arguelles is the person who taught me about Mayan calendar. It is truly regrettable that he passed away on March 23rd this year. We would like to offer our prayer for his peace in heaven.
- Opening remarks by Dr. Masaru Emoto...
- Ceremony of Offering Love and Gratitude to Water lead by Dr. Masaru Emoto
- Chant “The Grand Invocation” with everyone three times.
- Introducing messages of encouragement from people around the world to Fukushima residents
- Dance and folk song performance by local people
The Day Out of Time
- Song of Joy by all participants
July 25 is the 365th and final day of the year of the Thirteen Moon Calendar, an harmonic timing standard that measures the year in thirteen even months of 28 days each, a perpetual calendar of 52 perfect weeks, making a total of 364 days.
~July 26, 2011 - July 25, 2012~
~July 26, 2011 - July 25, 2012~
The 365th day, the "Day Out of Time", is no day of the week or month at all, but truly a Day Out of Time.
For this reason, this special day is observed as the day to cancel debts, to pardon and forgive, and to celebrate life, community, love, synchronicity, universal forgiveness, atonement and purification, through art and culture.
Celebrate Peace Through Culture
The message that he wanted me to convey to kin is that everything is now the responsibility of the people who have heard the message. There is much work to be done. He said to tell all kin: "EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!!! Love everyone. Hate no one. God bless everyone." He will now be assisting the closing of the cycle from the other side of the veil.An observer of synchronicity and a lover of rainbows throughout his life, Valum Votan left his body at 6.10 am, the exact time of day that he was born. Below is the rainbow that appeared in Hawaii that night, the magnificent "Moonbow" captured by photographer Ethan Tweedie, who wrote:
"Perfect was my time of coming. Perfect was my mission. Perfect was the time of my going. Perfect is the discovery of my prophecy ." Telektonon 11.67
I have been trying to get an image of the illusive Moonbow for a long time. This evening on the way back from the Volcano there it was!! It was cold, windy and raining but I toughed it out. After getting some images the CF card failed and all the pictures were gone. Undaunted I dug into my camera bag and pulled another card! I had just enough time to get two pictures off before it disappeared!!! Here is what I got!!!!
Architect of the human future on the path beyond technology
by John Kaminski
The finest thing of all is singing. — Pythagoras
Master and servant. Master of the Law of Time, and servant of the universal vibe.
He was the Pythagoras of our time, whose impact on the future will compare with Newton, Tesla and Jung. Among 20th century philosopher/explorers of new realms of human consciousness, his achievements exceeded even Krishnamurti, who refused to be the Illuminati god, and Castaneda, who confirmed communication with inorganic beings.
José Argüelles, gracious bearer of the gift of natural time, died Wednesday 23rd March in Australia at the age of 72..
A man's greatness is measured by the duration of his ideas — Euclidean geometry, Newtonian physics, Platonic solids. Pythagoras, for those who don't know, was the ancient Greek who gave us a system of knowledge that developed into modern mathematics and a concept of sacred geometry still ardently practiced today..
Argüelles, this eclectic Mayan mystic artist, rescued us from the unrealized tyranny of artificial time and established a fully functioning system of natural time already well developed among his thousands of followers throughout the world, seeping into people's minds as the obvious truth once you understand what he discovered, which is a clear pathway to a future of delightful and naturally occurring synchronicity and trust.... "
Read in full at this link.
Listen to Jose playing his flute for the Prayer of the Seven Galactic Directions, recorded on 13 April, 2008.
Prayer of the Seven Galactic Directions
From the East, House of Light
May wisdom dawn in us
So we may see all things in clarity
From the North, House of Night
May wisdom ripen in us
So we may know all from within
From the West, House of Transformation
May wisdom be transformed into right action
So we may do what must be done
From the South, House of the Eternal Sun
May right action reap the harvest
So we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being
From Above, House of Heaven
Where star people and ancestors gather
May their blessings come to us now
From Below, House of Earth
May the heartbeat of her crystal core
Bless us with harmonies to end all war
From the Center, Galactic Source
Which is everywhere at once
May everything be known
as the light of mutual love
Ah Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
Ah Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
Ah Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
“All Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature!"
And from the Law of Time web site:
“Both the Day out of Time festival and ceremony for the noosphere are gatherings that represent the coming of the new consciousness: Respect, tolerance, patience, withholding criticism, judgment and arguments, thinking always of what will make others happy before thinking of what will make you happy. We are here to invoke group mind and collective consciousness born out of a willingness to serve and surrender to unconditional love.” (José Argüelles).This is the first year that the founder is on the other side of the veil! Let’s see if we can create a mass demonstration of unified good will worldwide on behalf of the Earth...Celebrated over the past eighteen years, the Day out of Time has grown into a synchronized worldwide festival of human creativity on Earth in tune to a New Time—the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar....The philosophy of the Day out of Time is “Time is Art”. The principle emblem of the Day out of Time is the Banner of Peace. The Day out of Time is a call for artists and creative humans everywhere to create a day-long celebration of life, love, art and universal forgiveness, marking a new era of peace and harmony and the birth of a renewed Galactic Earth. (Note that the Day out of Time, July 25, synchronizes with Dr. Emoto’s Love and Thanks to the Water Day. Dr. Emoto is a great supporter of the 13 Moon calendar)...The ceremony can include gathering in circles, meditations on the one Earth, completed by vows of uniting as one mind with the mind of the Earth, drumming and singing circles, chants for the Earth, displays of the banner of peace, earth flags, rainbow flags … More at this link.To read about various Day Out Of Time events happening around the world on 25 July, go to this link.
The official flag for the Day out of Time is the Banner of Peace.
Related links
>> List of all links related to this event
>> Starting times around the world for the 25 July 2011 event
>> More info about the 25 July 2011 event and the experience of participating in a group distant healing event
>> How to be included as a participant in the 25 July 2011 event
>> Participant's registration form for the 25 July 2011 event
>> Letter and form for participant's guests in the 25 July 2011 event
>> Information about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> DOOT events around the world on 25 July 2011
>> The Day Out of Time
>> The Valum Votan Tribute Space
>> The World Peace Ceremony at sunrise in Fukushima, Japan on 25 July 2011
>> Link for live stream of the World Peace Ceremony on Ustream
>> Japanese Taiko Drum performance, to take place during the World Peace Ceremony
>> The Day Out of Time by Jose Arguelles, Ph.D.
>> Moonbow by Ethan Tweedie
>> Ethan Tweedie's photographs
>> José Argüelles: the Pythagoras of our time by John Kaminski
>> Jose playing his flute for the prayer of the Seven Galactic Directions
>> Day Out of Time post on the Law of Time web site
>> Global DOOT events planned for Monday, 25 July
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Please forward this link to those who may be interested.
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To receive occasional news from Earth Heal, please send an e-mail to earthhealadmin at gmail dot com with the subject line, "Subscribe".