23 September 2010
Spring Equinox in the South
Autumn Equinox in the North
Linking with the 24th sacred site Full Moon attunement of the
Grand Maya Itza Council, to be focused on
Latakia, Syria
-All are welcome to participate in this event -
Updated since the event:
>> List of all links related to this event
Extracts from the detailed info that came up during the treatment process
>> A brief synopsis of Part One of the reportExtracts from other info sent to participants:
>> Part One of the detailed report
>> A brief synopsis of Part Two of the report
>> Part Two of the detailed report (planetary)
>> Vibrational frequencies used during the treatment process
>> Planetary aspects at this time
>> Greetings from the facilitator before the event
>> Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the event
>> Feedback from participants after the event
>> A short report-back from the facilitator about what came up during the treatment process
>> Info about the Hathor global meditation on 31 October 2010
>> Other news and info sent after the event
The Earth Heal Geoharmonic Research Project will be hosting a group distant healing event on Thursday 23 September, starting at 2 pm local Brazilian time, which is 5 pm GMT/Universal Time. The event will continue for about 3 hours, ending around 8 pm GMT/Universal Time. To check the starting time of this event in your part of the world, please go to this link.
All people and animals everywhere in the world are welcome to join us for this event, either on a once-off donation basis or by opting for annual membership to Earth Heal, and being included in all our distant healing events for the coming year. Those in disadvantaged circumstances are included on a pro bono basis, so please feel free to contact us at earthhealadmin@gmail dot com to arrange to be part of this event.
The treatment will include more than 200 participants globally, and will be facilitated on the NE coast of Brazil by Edna Spennato, working under guidance from the collective Higher Self of the group.
Six surrogates, in Brazil, South Africa, Ireland, the USA, and Austria will anchor incoming healing energy during the treatment process and release the energies that are "no longer needed" on behalf of the participants and the planetary morphic field as a whole.
For more info about this event and the experience of participating, please go to this link.
For info on how to register as a non-member participant in the 23 September 2010 event, please go to this link.
The participant's registration form can be viewed at this link.
Feedback received from our recent Solstice event on 21 June 2010 can be read at these links:
Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the 21 June 2010 eventTo read extracts from the information that came up during the treatment process for the group of participants and on a planetary level during the recent June Solstice and July Day out of Time events, please go to the links below:
Feedback from participants after the 21 June 2010 event
21 June Solstice event linksMore info about the September Equinox event below, but first, some info about Equinox and the Maya attunement for Latakia...
25 July Mayan Day Out of Time links
This is an opportunity to harmonise our rhythms with the solar cycle and to utilise the powerful incoming energies available for personal and planetary healing on this special day.
The September equinox occurs at 03:09 (or 3:09am) GMT/UTC on September 23, 2010. It is also referred to as the autumnal or fall equinox in the northern hemisphere, as well as the spring or vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere.
What happens during the September equinox?
The sun crosses the celestial equator and moves southward during the September equinox, bringing colder weather and less light to the north and warmer weather and more light to the south.
The word “equinox” derives from the Latin words meaning “equal night” and refers to the time when the sun crosses the equator.
According to myth, it was believed that the September equinox is a time of balance when day and night are equal in length and that that by some mystical force eggs can be balanced on their ends on these days. in ancient times, it was also believed that magically it was a good time to enact rituals for protection and security, as well as reflect on successes or failures from the previous months.
Higan, or Higan-e, is a week of Buddhist services observed in Japan during both the September and March equinoxes. Higan means the “other shore” and refers to the spirits of the dead reaching Nirvana after crossing the river of existence. It celebrates the spiritual move from the world of suffering to the world of enlightenment and is a time to remember the dead by visiting, cleaning and decorating their graves and reciting sutras or Buddhist prayers, and offerings of rice balls and sushi.
In China the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is celebrated around the time of the September equinox. This occasion dates back more than 3000 years and occurs at full moon. It celebrates the abundance of the summer's harvest and originated from the ancient tradition of making offerings to the sun in the spring and to the moon in the autumn. It is also a time for families to get together and people often travel long distances to be with their loved ones. There are fire dragon dances in streets decorated with lanterns and filled with the smell of burning incense.
The Maya Full Moon sacred site attunement for Latakia, Syria

During our healing event, we will also tune in to the 24th Full Moon sacred site attunement of the Grand Maya Itza Council for the ancient Mediterranean

The ancient stone ruins of Ugarit or Ras Shamra are only 14Km north of Latakia.
Ugarit, the kingdom that flourished in the Bronze Ages, dates back much further than 3000 BC. In the 2nd Millennium BC, Ugarit was occupied by the Canaanites, also known as the Phoenicians. Ugarit prospered and flourished for a few hundred years, as a center of trade.
It is believed that Ugarit was heavily destroyed by a tidal wave in the 14th century BC, however it was rebuilt and it redeveloped to renew its prosperity.
Devastating earthquakes in 494 and 555 badly damaged Latakia, but it was rebuilt by Justinian before being seized by the invading Arab army in 638. After being captured by the Crusaders in 1097, the town oscillated between Muslim and Christian control for nearly a century, until it was retaken by Saladin in 1188.

The castle was built in ancient times, possibly during the Phoenician period (early first millennium BC). The Phoenicians are said to have surrendered it to Alexander the Great about 334 BC. It then fell to the Assyrians, and then the Persians, and the Seleucid kingdom. It became part of the Roman and Byzantine empires, the Islamic dynasties, and played an important role in the Crusader wars. It was mentioned in the Bible in connection with the Apostles.
The Crusader walls were breached by the armies of Muslim leader Salah ed-Din in July 1188, and it is from this victory that the castle takes its present name. In 1260 it fell back into Crusader hands. At this point it was added to the county of Tripoli, and remained so for nearly a century. Another heavy earthquake destroyed most of Latakia in 1287. It was part of the Ottoman Empire for many centuries and then fell under French rule till the early 20th Century.
In modern times, Latakia has become Syria's main port on the Mediterranean coast. In 1973, during the October War (Yom Kippur War), the naval Battle of Latakia between Israel and Syria was fought just offshore from Latakia.
General info about the upcoming Equinox event
During the treatment process, each participant will receive healing on an individual level and as part of the group, and participants will also be anchoring the planetary healing energies in their part of the world, releasing disharmonic energy and receiving healing energy on a collective level.
We use a cutting-edge distant healing method known as Synchronization Harmonics, and for those who have never before experienced distant healing work, this is the ideal opportunity.
After each healing event, feedback and detailed reports about what came up during the treatment process for the group, as well as for the collective consciousness on a planetary level, are mailed to participants.
First-time participants should e-mail us their details and pics as soon as possible, and no later than midnight GMT/UTC on Wednesday, 22 September.
Worldwide Equinox Didgeridoo Meditation - 23 September 2010

"...On the 23rd September 2010 at your local sunset time simply play your didgeridoo for 45 minutes (does not have to be non-stop) and then sit for 15 minutes in silence. If you cannot play the didj, you can simply listen to some recorded didj music or play some other instrument.
Please meditate on growing global awareness of how important it is for humanity to take care of the land, just as Aboriginal people have done for tens of thousands of years...."
More information at this link.
Related links
Updated since the event
>> List of all links related to this event
>> A brief synopsis of Part One of the report
>> Part One of the detailed report
>> A brief synopsis of Part Two of the report
>> Part Two of the detailed report (planetary)
>> Vibrational frequencies used during the treatment process
>> Planetary aspects at this time
>> Greetings from the facilitator before the event
>> Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the event
>> Feedback from participants after the event
>> A short report-back from the facilitator about what came up during the treatment process
>> Info about the Hathor global meditation on 31 October 2010
>> Other news and info sent after the event
>> Information about annual membership to Earth Heal
>> The September Equinox explained
>> September Equinox customs and holidays
>> Maya Full Moon sacred site attunements till December 2012
>> Ugarit - Ras Shamra
>> Saladin's Castle - Citidel of Salah Ed-Din
>> Worldwide Solstice and Equinox Didgeridoo Meditations
Please forward this link to those who may be interested.
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