Group distant healing event for animals
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Saturday, 1 March 2014
All animals everywhere are welcome to be part of this event
The Earth Heal Clinic will be hosting a distant healing event for all animals around the world this Saturday, 1 March. The treatment process will be starting at 5 pm GMT/Universal Time, and will continue for about 3 hours, ending around 8 pm GMT/Universal Time.
To view the starting time in your part of the world, please go to this link at the World Clock.
All pets and animals everywhere are welcome to join us for this event. There is no charge, but we welcome donations, which will go directly towards pet food and veterinary fees for animals currently being cared for as part of our rescue efforts in the rural interior of bahia, Brazil.
The treatment will be facilitated in Bahia, Brazil by Edna Spennato, working under guidance from the collective Higher Self of the group.
Seven surrogates, in South Africa, the United Kingdom, the USA, and different parts of South America will anchor incoming healing energy during the treatment process and release energies “no longer needed” on behalf of the participants and the planetary morphic field as a whole.
General Info
During the treatment process, each animal and human participant will be worked on individually and as part of the group, anchoring the planetary healing energies in their part of the world for the larger collective consciousness of the animal kingdom, releasing disharmonic energy and receiving healing energy on an individual and collective level. We use a cutting-edge distant healing method known as Synchronization Harmonics.
If you would like to have your pet or another animal included in this event, please e-mail us their details and pics as soon as possible, and no later than noon on Saturday, 1 March.
There is still time to include your animal friends in this event, so please send details and pics of your own pets, as well as homeless animals or animals in difficult situations by noon on Saturday, 1 March.
On a planetary level
During the treatment, we will be working with all the individual animals included as participants, as well as on a planetary level. Though we never know in advance what will 'come up' on a planetary level, some of the possible focuses this time include:
- The relationship between humans and the animal kingdom
- Inhumane factory farming
- The use of animals for military purposes
- The plight of domestic and farm animals that are abandoned during times of human crisis, as in Detroit and Fukushima.
- The situation of sea animals in the Pacific Ocean, now extremely contaminated by radiation from Fukushima
- The plight of animals in zoos and circuses throughout the world, with particular focus on the inhumane breeding programs in zoos, which allow zoos to kill healthy 'unwanted' animals born in zoos.
- The suffering of the thousands of animals being experimented on in laboratories throughout the world.
- The hunting of dolphins in Taji Cove, Japan and the Fargo Islands, Denmark.
- The killing of dolphins and whales by military sonar
- The inhumane killing of thousands of dogs in Sochi, Russia, before the Winter Olympics. More here.
Updated since the event: Feedback from participants after the 1 March event for animals
>> List of all links related to the 1 March event
>> Starting times around the world for the 1 March event
>> More info about the event and how to include your animal friends as participants
>> Registration form for animals taking part in this event
>> Registration form for humans taking part in this event
>> Links related to annual membership to Earth Heal
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